人民网伦敦11月12日电(记者 黄培昭)据英国《每日电讯报》网站11月11日夜报道,英国首相卡梅伦11日晚间在伦敦市政 厅年度讲话中宣布,他将率领一个“阵容庞大的、由部长和商界领袖组成的代表团”于下个月早些时候访问中国。卡梅伦表示,他“希望与中国发展长期关系,为英国企业打开中国市场,同时为英国引入更多的中国投资”。
卡梅伦在讲话中称:“在中国新一届领导人确定今后10年的发展方向之际,在中国之星在世界持续上升之际,我将率领高级部长们,以及大大小小各部门的商业领袖们,推进发展与中国的关系,这将有益于我们两国,并为我们人民带来真正的回报”。 ("As China's new leadership sets its direction for the next 10 years, as their country's star continues to rise in the world, I will take senior British ministers – as well as business leaders from every sector, large and small – to forge a relationship that will benefit both our countries and bring real rewards for our peoples,")
卡梅伦说:“这是一种长期的关系,对英国和中国都至关重要。我期待在今后的岁月里,继续强化这种关系”。("This is a relationship that is for the long term, that matters for Britain and China, and which I look forward to continuing to strengthen in the months and years to come." )
卡梅伦还强调指出,他的中国之行“将为英国企业开路”,使英国企业能够“从中国庞大而多样的市场受益,并为中国在英国的投资达到一个新水平铺平道路”。("Opening the way for British companies to benefit from China's vast and varied markets and preparing the way for a new level of Chinese investment into the UK.)